cybercabinet title

Rachel's Cybercabinet of Natural Curiosities

RSM crop smHi, I’m Rachel Sargent Mirus, a STEAM teaching artist and science writer. Originally trained in biology, I worked in research labs and museums across the country, and along the way I became interested in science writing and education.

I write about topics ranging from climate change to gene therapy and my art interests focus on drawing and painting subjects from nature. I am also passionate about using art to teach the life sciences. Drawing and writing encourage you to slow down and think about small details, like a beetle on a leaf, giving you the time and space to really see and understand. This practice of thoughtful observation is the skill I most want to teach: it is not only the foundation of effective illustration and description, but also how to thiPainting of Red Milkweed Beetles on Milkweed plantsnk like a scientist.

To stay up to date with me, follow my brand page on Facebook: @rachelsargentscybercabinet

Or use my contact form to sign up for my email announcements: Contact Me



As a freelance writer I have written and edited primarily for Northern Woodlands and the Vermont Biosciences Alliance. Many of my Northern Woodlands pieces are online at

And check out my blog on this site: The Curious Creative

Please contact me if you are interested in discussing a writing project: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 SMS demo 2


As a teaching artist, I focus on integrating art and science. As a teacher, I aim to inspire observation, experimentation, and creativity in learners of all ages.

I've run workshops for organizations as diverse as North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier, the Harvard Museum of Natural History online, and Across Roads Center for the Arts in Waterbury Center. I’m on the Vermont Teaching Artist roster. You can read more about my curricula on the Teaching Artist page.

Please contact me if you are interested in hosting me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




My artworks are inspired by a desire to communicate or illuminate natural science topics. I use a variety of media, but especially graphite, watercolor, and acrylic. Increasingly I'm experimenting with make-it-yourself media from foraged materials. You can see examples of my art in the themed galleries, accessed from the Gallery drop-down menu.

I have temporarily taken down my store, but I can still sell art, cards, and prints by arrangement, please don't hesitate to email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bichir logo with monarch painting behind